Monday, June 30, 2008

Oh, Mandy

Dear Sandy,

"Oh, Mandy" is a Spinto Band song that rhymes with our names and is on one of the mixes I will mail you (a benefit of my slacking with mix making: I pretty much have to mail you a care package).

I hope your move went as well as mine did: I managed to unpack everything and put it away on Sunday - in the rain, no less, which in Russian lore is a lucky time to move - in no small part due to the efficient use of space you set up :-)

I hope all is well and to hear of your travels soon!


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Boobie Circus, no explanation necessary

Dear Sandy,

One of my last rides on the Q train incorporated 2 women yelling at each other for about half an hour as well in addition to the usual bumps and turns. I tuned out and listened to a pretty solid mix, "Knife..Live @ Home." - it's from, so probably one of Devlin & Darko's jams from months ago that I finally got around to listening to. We should link to their blog - for the tickler (have you heard that phrase before? It's a good one). Also good: Atul Gawande's article on itching in this week's New Yorker. The one with the cover of subway lines like blood vessels. Read it and tell me if you start itching all over as I did - this gives a lot of credence to the article.

Back to the women yelling: as I'd started texting, "There are two women yelling at each other on the q train. I believe each wants the other to stop whylin" .. (yes, I occasionally quote myself, as well as check your facebook profile).. I believe there was a stolen purse involved, which may or may not have been valued at $20, as well as a baby (and a 2 months-along pregnancy, whose result was not resolved during my listening of the ensuing discourse. As other passengers indicated, it was completely appropriate to stare and think.. what the fuck?!

My text message inbox is telling me that I should go to bed since I have work tomorrow, and also make a drink called "the blog" to drink tomorrow. I think it should comprise Jack Daniels, ginger ale, ginger, and absinthe.

Have a safe trip tomorrow and please do write!
