Wednesday, August 6, 2008


We interrupt this program to inform you that the (Inter)National Weather Service Doppler Radar has indicated a line of severe people-renting-their-babies-to-sketchy-people-on-the-street-so-that-you-will-be-more-likely-to-pity-them-and-give-them-money-and-less-likely-to-suspect-them-of-mugging-you-and-walk-with-purpose-in-the-opposite-direction. The National Weather Service in Buenos Aires, Argentina, has issued a severe Not Their Babies Watch for the following Capital Federal barrios: La Boca, Constitucion, San Telmo, Monserrat, San Cristobal, Balvanera, San Nicolas, Retiro, Recoleta, Palermo, and Almagro. This watch will remain in effect until further notice, Eastern Standard Time plus and hour.

This throws a wrench in the Baby-Safety Ratio, to say the least. I am afraid to leave the house.

1 comment:

jameskinney said...

Hey it's James keep it tropical and enjoy!! nice blog